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SubjectThinkpad works, thank you.
Ok people - I've had more than enough help. Now please
stop helping me for the moment. :)

Just a couple of comments: I know that I could get the
maximum amount of memory to be used by fiddling the mem
parameter. I just currently don't have the time to do so.
Currently losing one meg is not an issue, I don't care
about it that much, as long as I can prove to the owner
of the machine that Linux uses mostly all of the 128M
the machine has.

It's still a mystery why the detection code won't work,
possibly ThinkPads are evil. That probably would not
surprise anyone. I won't have this machine very long so
I don't think I can test the memory detection code by
poisoning it with some printks to see where it barfs.

Finally, concerning the sound issues, the ThinkPad really
has a Crystal CS432x, which works just fine with the
kernel drivers, no need to resort on the ALSA driver.
Oh it's so nice to figure out the proper io,irq,dma
values by trial and error and the setup is even more
fun when you use any sort of 'config' tool like RH
soundconfig. Just a pain in the *** since it cannot
unload old sound modules, gives somewhat misleading
results thusly. Luckily I know my way around irq


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