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SubjectProcess Scope Scheduling Support

I want to use linux to implement a software DSM system, but I think Linux threads support it is not enough developed nowadays. I think we need a better signal support and implement a process scope
scheduling support that allow relative priorities among threads of a process. Currently, only system scope scheduling is supported due to there is almost no difference between a process and a thread
and scheduling is made among all ready threads instead of all ready process.

Some of the advantages of using process scope scheduling is that you can use scheduling like RR or FIFO between threads inside a process, making possible that high priority thread can interrupt a low
one without need to be root (because the scope is the process).

I think these and others features are interesting and will make Linux more conforming with POSIX thread standard. I will like to now is there is some effort in this direction.

Prof. Antonio Flores Gil
Departamento de Ingeniería y Tecnología de Computadores. Facultad de
Informática. Universidad de Murcia
Campus de Espinardo - 30080 Murcia (SPAIN)
Tel.: +34-968-364621 Fax: +34-968-364151

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