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SubjectWhere has my memory gone ??
Hi !
This is probably slightly off-topic, but i don't know which other
mailing-list would be adapted to my question......(tell me if u know ;-)

Ok, here's what happens : in the morning, i start Linux, login, launch
Netscape, and then leave my computer for some hours, until the evening.
Trouble is, when i come back, i notice that the memory usage is high,
that is, like 90MB (60 physical + 30swap).....and my system then is
sssslllllllooooooowwwwww !!!!!! My system keeps on swapping, whatever i
do (switch windows, desktops, and so on)
But i can't get my memory back ! That is, even if i close all
applications, log out, kill X (it of course restarts immediately) [and i
even tried telinit 3 followed later by telinit 5), there is still more
memory allocated than at system boot. The only way i found to recover
all my memory is to reboot, which i find annoying, because i don't like
doing Windows-like things ;-)
After my login, like 50MB only of memory are allocated.......

here's my config :
* Pentium II 300
* UltraWide SCSI hard drive (/ & swap on 2 partitions)
* 64MB of memory
* 128MB of swap

i'm using :
* RedHat 6.0
* KDE 1.1.1
* SetiAtHome (uses like 13MB of memory)
* Netscape (v4.61)

ok, maybe i'm overloading my computer, but at system startup, everything
is fine, fast, no lag at all........(just the way it should be, in other
words ;-)

thanks for ur answers

Nicolas Weeger

Installer et configurer Linux, c'est un peu comme de la cuisine :
ça peut être long, difficile, frustrant.....
Mais, bien souvent, le résultat vaut le coup !

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