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SubjectSCSI solutions
Hello all. I'm new to the kernel list, but I this is the only place I can
think of that can help me with my problems. I've searched the net to no

I'm running a RedHat 6.0 system with a hand-rolled 2.2.3 smp kernel, on a
Tyan S1564D motherboard with dual Pentium 233MMX processors and 4 32Mb EDO
SIMM modules. My problem reolves around my STT8000N SCSI, Travan-4 tape
drive. When I attempt to run a backup (regular tar, with or without
compression), at a varialbe point, the tape backup fails. The kernel
proceeds to try to reset the SCSI device, which fails, aborts, and then
panics, puking up most of my filesystem with it. Needless to say, this
annoys me.

The tape drive is connected to an Adaptec 1542CP SCSI card, along with a
Seagate ST31230N hard drive (1Gb). The system doesn't give me any
problems, as long as I'm not accessing the tape. The tape fails at an
arbirary point that I can't decipher. It doesn't seem to be base don
running time, or block written. I've tried several different tape
cartiges, all to the same effect.

I've been told by some of the other people that the kernel has particular
problem exiting gracefully from SCSI errors. Is this a correctable
problem? Is there a patch, or is this just a chronic problem? An Adaptec
problem? I'm not much of a C programmer, but I'd be excited to work with
somebody to help fix this problem.

--< Christopher P. Gill >--< >--< >--
--< Vice Convention Chair, Genericon XIII >-<Secretary, RPI Games Club >--
--< Webmaster, WRPI 91.5 FM >-< General campus troublemaker & activist >--
----------< Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Troy, New York >------------

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