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SubjectRe: update_vm_cache?

> It is *wrong*. Not to mention the fact that it screws up on binaries and
> relies on the list of known extensions (barf) to do its magic.

Yuck, triple yuck!

Now, may I propose that someone who knows the ins and outs of the new
fs stuff does the required surgery to produce "clean" non-translating
FAT support? Whether we like it or not, for some poor people DOS floppies
are likely to be the only "reasonable" way to transport "large" (ahem)
files between home and the office. Never mind the translation, but at
least get the channel working again. And then simply forget about the
translation for ever after...

Keep up the good work,

M. Eyckmans (MCE) Code of the Geeks v3.1
GCS d+ s+:- a33 C+++$ UHLUASO+++$ P+ L+++ E--- W++ N+++ !o K w--- !O M--
V-- PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP- t--- !5 !X R- tv- b+ DI++ D-- G++ e+++ h+(*) !r y?

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