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SubjectMMAP? Ooops report for 2.2.10
The machine is a Dell PowerEdge 6300
- Quad 450MHz Xeon
- 1 Gb ram
- iBCS 2.1.981105
- kernel 2.2.10 SMP with AMI Megaraid 1.01 driver patch
- gcc
- Redhat 5.1
- glibc 2.0.7

The cause of 1st oops is unknown, the 2nd oops caused
by running 4 threads prog (pthread) from Parallel-HOWTO example
of finding Pi (modified from 2->4 threads).

+---| Netscape Communicator 4.x |---| Powered by Linux 2.2.x |---+
|/v\ Agus Budy Wuysang MIS Department |
| | Phone: +62-21-344-1316 ext 317 GSM: +62-816-1972-051 |
+--------| |--------+
Version: 3.1
GCS/IT dx s: a- C+++ UL++++$ P- L+++(++++) E--- W++ N+++ o? K? w-- O-
M- V-- PS+ PE Y-- PGP t+@ 5 X+ R- tv- b+ DI? D++(+) G e++ h* r+ y++
------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------Options used: -V (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.2.10/ (default)
-k /var/tmp/ksyms (specified)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-m /usr/src/linux/ (default)
-c 1 (default)

Warning in compare_ksyms_lsmod, module 3c59x is in lsmod but not in ksyms, probably no symbols exported
Warning in compare_ksyms_lsmod, module iBCS is in lsmod but not in ksyms, probably no symbols exported
Warning: cannot match loaded module parport to any module object. Trace may not be reliable.
Warning: cannot match loaded module ipx to any module object. Trace may not be reliable.
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000008
current->tss.cr3 = 00101000, pr3 = 00101000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 1
EIP: 0010:[<c011e58c>]
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax: 00000000 ebx: ccc8d660 ecx: ccc8d2a0 edx: ccc8d8dc
esi: 40009000 edi: cf05dc60 ebp: 00002000 esp: d4271f7c
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process bash (pid: 29292, process nr: 165, stackpage=d4271000)
Stack: 00000000 bffffb80 ccc8d2a0 c0114963 cf05dc60 cf05dc60 cf05dc60 c011941e
cf05dc60 d4270000 400a9e60 00000000 bffffb80 c011e45e d4270000 c01195b2
00000000 c0109390 00000000 0809e640 400a9e7c 400a9e60 00000000 bffffb80
Call Trace: [<c0114963>] [<c011941e>] [<c011e45e>] [<c01195b2>] [<c0109390>]
Code: 8b 40 08 ff 80 90 00 00 00 8b 53 20 85 d2 74 06 8b 43 24 89
Warning: trailing garbage ignored on Code: line
Text: 'Code: 8b 40 08 ff 80 90 00 00 00 8b 53 20 85 d2 74 06 8b 43 24 89 '
Garbage: ' '

>>EIP: c011e58c <exit_mmap+88/10c>
Trace: c0114963 <mmput+1f/38>
Trace: c011941e <do_exit+10a/290>
Trace: c011e45e <sys_munmap+3e/64>
Trace: c01195b2 <sys_exit+e/10>
Trace: c0109390 <system_call+34/38>
Code: c011e58c <exit_mmap+88/10c> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c011e58c <exit_mmap+88/10c> 0: 8b 40 08 movl 0x8(%eax),%eax <===
Code: c011e58f <exit_mmap+8b/10c> 3: ff 80 90 00 00 incl 0x90(%eax)
Code: c011e594 <exit_mmap+90/10c> 8: 00
Code: c011e595 <exit_mmap+91/10c> 9: 8b 53 20 movl 0x20(%ebx),%edx
Code: c011e598 <exit_mmap+94/10c> c: 85 d2 testl %edx,%edx
Code: c011e59a <exit_mmap+96/10c> e: 74 06 je c011e5a2 <exit_mmap+9e/10c>
Code: c011e59c <exit_mmap+98/10c> 10: 8b 43 24 movl 0x24(%ebx),%eax
Code: c011e59f <exit_mmap+9b/10c> 13: 89 00 movl %eax,(%eax)

5 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.
Options used: -V (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.2.10/ (default)
-k /var/tmp/ksyms (specified)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-m /usr/src/linux/ (default)
-c 1 (default)

Warning in compare_ksyms_lsmod, module 3c59x is in lsmod but not in ksyms, probably no symbols exported
Warning in compare_ksyms_lsmod, module iBCS is in lsmod but not in ksyms, probably no symbols exported
Error in compare_ksyms_lsmod, module lp is in ksyms but not in lsmod
Error in compare_ksyms_lsmod, module parport is in ksyms but not in lsmod
Warning: cannot match loaded module parport to any module object. Trace may not be reliable.
Warning: cannot match loaded module ipx to any module object. Trace may not be reliable.
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000008
current->tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 3
EIP: 0010:[<c011e58c>]
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax: 00000000 ebx: ce6dce80 ecx: ce6dcf00 edx: ce6dce7c
esi: 40009000 edi: cae1f760 ebp: 00002000 esp: cfc1dee4
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process bash (pid: 28071, process nr: 197, stackpage=cfc1d000)
Stack: cfc1c000 cfc1c000 ce6dcf00 c0114963 cae1f760 cae1f760 cae1f760 c011941e
cae1f760 0000000b cfc1c000 cfc1c000 cfc1c000 cfc1df40 cfc1c000 c010929e
0000000b cfc1c000 bffffa90 bfff0005 bffffa58 cfc1c4a4 cfc1dfc4 0000000b
Call Trace: [<c0114963>] [<c011941e>] [<c010929e>] [<c01110c7>] [<c0111385>] [<c01105b4>] [<c0109495>]
Code: 8b 40 08 ff 80 90 00 00 00 8b 53 20 85 d2 74 06 8b 43 24 89
Warning: trailing garbage ignored on Code: line
Text: 'Code: 8b 40 08 ff 80 90 00 00 00 8b 53 20 85 d2 74 06 8b 43 24 89 '
Garbage: ' '

>>EIP: c011e58c <exit_mmap+88/10c>
Trace: c0114963 <mmput+1f/38>
Trace: c011941e <do_exit+10a/290>
Trace: c010929e <do_signal+2de/344>
Trace: c01110c7 <force_sig_info+a3/ac>
Trace: c0111385 <force_sig+11/18>
Trace: c01105b4 <do_page_fault+194/324>
Trace: c0109495 <error_code+2d/34>
Trace: c01093d8 <signal_return+14/18>
Code: c011e58c <exit_mmap+88/10c> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c011e58c <exit_mmap+88/10c> 0: 8b 40 08 movl 0x8(%eax),%eax <===
Code: c011e58f <exit_mmap+8b/10c> 3: ff 80 90 00 00 incl 0x90(%eax)
Code: c011e594 <exit_mmap+90/10c> 8: 00
Code: c011e595 <exit_mmap+91/10c> 9: 8b 53 20 movl 0x20(%ebx),%edx
Code: c011e598 <exit_mmap+94/10c> c: 85 d2 testl %edx,%edx
Code: c011e59a <exit_mmap+96/10c> e: 74 06 je c011e5a2 <exit_mmap+9e/10c>
Code: c011e59c <exit_mmap+98/10c> 10: 8b 43 24 movl 0x24(%ebx),%eax
Code: c011e59f <exit_mmap+9b/10c> 13: 89 00 movl %eax,(%eax)

5 warnings and 2 errors issued. Results may not be reliable.
 \ /
  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:52    [W:0.042 / U:0.320 seconds]
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