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SubjectUnable to read memory mapped PCI memory the second time == freezeup..
Aloha guys

I am writing an Ethernet driver for a Internal PCI cable modem with
some onboard memory that I have mapped using ioremap.

But I have problem reading the memory, more accurately, I can read it
once, write it many, but not read it a second time.

It is mapped using:

// Remap physical PCI controller LCR memory to virtual memory
if(((char*)(global_lcr_vmemaddr = (u32) ioremap(global_pci_lcr_memaddr, LCR_MEMORY_RANGE)))==NULL)
return -EAGAIN;

// Remap physical PCI memory to virtual memory
if((((char*)global_vmemaddr = (u32) ioremap(global_pci_memaddr,MODEM_MEMORY_RANGE))) == NULL) {
iounmap((char*)global_lcr_vmemaddr); return -EAGAIN;

The following silly code then works fine:

Byte byArgh;

byArgh = *((Byte*)global_vmemaddr);
if(byArgh==0) printk(KERN_DEBUG "byArgh\n");
*((Byte*)global_vmemaddr) = 0x5a;
byArgh = *((Byte*)global_vmemaddr);

While the PC freezes completely at the last conditional statement
at the following, almost identical, code fragment:

Byte byArgh;

byArgh = *((Byte*)global_vmemaddr);
if(byArgh==0) printk(KERN_DEBUG "byArgh\n");
*((Byte*)global_vmemaddr) = 0x5a;
byArgh = *((Byte*)global_vmemaddr);
if(byArgh==0) printk(KERN_DEBUG "byArgh\n"); // DEATH HERE

- as if the bus had not finished the transfer the second time I read.

I have in a similar way mapped PCI LCR memory in the PLX9052 PCI
controller (that by the way does not support master mode). And I can
read and write that LCR memory as much as I want.

I have tried changing compiler (to gcc, changing the
modem board with one that works with my WinNT driver, adding
udelay(60) between accesses, using readb() instead of direct access -
no change.

If I do _extensive_ memory testing, writing all the memory twice, then
reading all, writing all again, reading all, writing all again -
there is no problem reading, but later in the driver when just
accessing a single byte like in the second example I freeze again.

A small sample code is available at

This is my first SW project of any kind on linux, so please be gentle
with me :-) Maybe I am mapping the memory in a wrong way ?

I am using kernel 2.2.9.

PS: I am in no way acting on behalf of COCOM A/S, this is purely a
spare time project.

Best regards, Klaus.
Klaus J. O. Nielsen
System Engineer, COCOM A/S,
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