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Subject[PATCH][RFC][FYI] Symlink caching
	Folks, I've put a preliminary version of symlink-cache patch to
It's a one step above proof-of-concept - it compiles, boots,
survives the tests I've thrown into it so far but that's it. It's still
pretty rough. Comments are actively solicited, help with testing - only if
you are brave enough and ready to oopsen, leaks and other joys of
pre-alpha stuff.
Mostly it's a big readlink()/follow_link() cleanup + moving
lookup_dentry() calls to do_follow_link() (goal: to kill recursion; I have
a code doing that but it's too messy right now; anyway that patch makes
recursion in lookup_dentry()/do_follow_link() much lighter) + symlink
cache. Some areas will be rewritten (new_name_struct(), for one), but for
now it will go.
Sorry for the lack of accurate description - that will go with the
next version of patch (this evening or tomorrow). At least this variant
compiles, boots and didn't crash the box (yet). Uff...
An enthusiast once turned up at my office with a huge stone that filled the
trunk of his aging Chevy, the specimen so heavy that the car's front wheels were
almost off the ground. It was, he told me solemnly, a fossil human skull; see?
there's the eye, the nose, the ear... Alan Walker, The Wisdom of the Bones

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