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SubjectRe: Preparations for ZD's upcoming Apache/Linux benchmark
On 8 Jun 1999 wrote:

> Do you have a list of URLs of fast web servers?

an initial snapshot can be found near

as stated, its an incomplete weekend hack. its not meant to be a working
web server, but it shows the siginfo i/o model well. included are patches
against 2.2 and 2.3 to make siginfo work (cheers to sct/ingo for doing the
real work there)

however I'll happily take patches that add the rest of the coating to make
it a functional web server if people really want to make a fast-ass static
server out of it.

> missed a few days worth of email. The fastest free user-space web
> server I know is thttpd from, which
> uses select().

unfortunately select() has problems scaling. not only is the actual
implementation using it nasty due to bookkeeping (poll fixes this), but
the concept of passing around these big masks to/from the kernel is yucky.
(poll doesn't fix this)

in phhttpd at least the siginfo fed engine is almost twice as fast as the
poll() stuff, and the poll() syscalls show up prominently in profile runs
when compared to the siginfo rt signal queue stuff. course, my poll()
code might just suck a lot ;)

-- zach

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