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SubjectRe: Oops trace of 2.2.9-ac2 lockups
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Keith Bennett wrote:

> hi, sorry for the unsolicited mail but i didnt want to clog up
> the list with yet another stupid question ...

Actually, IMHO, many folks could benefit from this discussion. So, I'm
taking the liberty of posting to the kernel list.

> Steven N. Hirsch wrote:
> > After considerable grief, I got serial console output working and captured
> > two of the lockups.
> i suspect i may be getting the same problems - i have a similar setup
> (Dual-PII400, 128Mb ram, advansys scsi card, 2.2.9-ac2 kernel)
> but i cant get any mesages from the kernel when it freezes.
> how did you get this console output to work? maybe then i could
> generate some usefull information to send to the list.

Hi Keith,

You must rebuild the kernel with serial console support - in _addition_ to
the usual VGA + console on virtual terminal. Then, take a look at:


for the gory details. I added the following line to the 2.2.9-ac2
lilo.conf stanza:

append="console=ttyS1,9600 console=tty0"

Make sure your /dev/console device is major-5, minor-1! Mine was not.

Before rebooting, delete any existing /etc/ file.

Then the system restarts, kernel messages will appear on both the VGA
console and the serial port. I connected the offending box, via a
null-modem adapter, to a second machine running minicom in text capture
mode. This works like a champ - capturing the entire oops, which may then
be run through ksymoops for decoding.

Hope this helps.


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