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SubjectESS sound driver
On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 12:20:42AM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> > bit slow (i.e. everything is at a slightly lower pitch and slower
> > tempo). The chip is recognized as an ES1688, using the Soundblaster
> > 16 driver. I haven't looked into why - any thoughts?
> Sounds like someone saved some space by using a wrong crystal frequency.
> Can you check if rates 22050 and lower are correct. If not can you try and
> "tune" your libretto by changing the rate you need to set. Then I can fix
> the driver to support 'libretto mode'

I'm not certain that this is a VAIO- or libretto-specific thing. I have a
cheap ESS1869 card on a normal PC and when I request a rate of 44100Hz, OSS
reports back that I'm actually running at 44198Hz or something like that.
My code says fine and uses that as its samplerate (it does realtime
resampling) but it plays considerably slower. In fact, it sounds about one
or two semitones under what it should be (more than the 44198/44100
difference - one semitone would be 46722Hz). I will investigate further,
but I suspect there's a samplerate problem in the ESS driver in general.

Incidentally, ALSA ( drivers work fine.


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