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SubjectRe: VAIOs and Linux (was Re: 2.3 wish: integrate pcmcia into mainstream kernel
"Anil B. Somayaji" wrote:
> I just wanted to comment on the reports that the VAIOs lack common PC
> ports, and thus are hard to install Linux on.


If you get the CDROM that Sony makes, it all installs perfectly. I
know; I have a 505tx, and I did just that.

The only problem is, you must use a pcmcia version 3.09 or higher. The
VAIO cdrom drive can be configured by the kernel, without pcmcia support
loaded. (in fact, loading pcmcia will doing the install mucks it up.)

Once loaded, you simply have to make sure the irq pcmcia uses isn't
already taken (by editing /etc/pcmcia/config, if I remember right.)

After that, Cardbus works, IrDA works, APM works, the only thing that
isn't supported yet is the iLink device.

And, I don't have problems with the audio being "slow". You might want
to check in the bios, and change the CPU speed from auto to '100%'.
When it's on auto, and you boot up on batteries, it gets the bogomips
totally wrong. (values of 50%, when it should be twice what it

This could be your whole problem with sound.

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