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SubjectRe: 2.3 wish: integrate pcmcia into mainstream kernel
In article <>,
David Hinds <dhinds@lahmed.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
>On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 01:24:20PM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
>> The most common case by far is the case of a external IDE CD-ROM.
>> Note how I didn't mention SCSI _anywhere_.
>Sorry, my mistake. I saw "CardBus" and assumed you must have meant
>something CardBus specific, which would have had to be SCSI. Based on
>my user feedback, more people use PCMCIA SCSI CD-ROM's than IDE's.
>> An external IDE CD-ROM should be _trivial_.
>How so? Is it common for the BIOS to be able to configure and boot
>from PCMCIA IDE cards?

It depends.

I've got a little Sony VAIO 505fx that will boot off a pcmcia
IDE cdrom.

I've got more laptops that won't boot off a pcmcia IDE cdrom, but
which would really like to be able to talk to that pcmcia IDE cdrom
without fuss, muss, or bother so they could then use the Mastodon
cd that's sitting forlornly in the CD-ROM to put Linux on the
machine. (Currently I pry apart the laptop, put the IDE disk into a
desktop machine, install Mastodon there <and once the PCMCIA tools
are installed, they work pretty much flawlessly, modulo their
weakness for using IRQs that are assigned to other hardware>, then
put the disk back into the laptop.

david parsons \bi/ This may not be optimal.

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