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SubjectRe: 2.3 wish: integrate pcmcia into mainstream kernel
Linus Torvalds enscribed thusly:

> On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, David Hinds wrote:

> > > In short, it's a mess. And it should NOT be.

> > It should not be, if RedHat (or whatever distribution you used) put
> > the ide_cs driver on their PCMCIA install disk.

> WHAT install disk?

The install disk that is the floppy image that makes the CD-Rom

El Torrito spec... You have a bootable disk image. It's
generally a floppy image although I understand it CAN be a larger
hard drive image (haven't seen one in practice).

The CD-ROM drivers (IDE or SCSI) have to intercept INT-13 and
INT-19 and pretend you are the floppy drive until you get that INT-19
soft boot where you drop the INT-13 redirect. (I did one of these
suckers for Lanier Business Products years ago for a network boot).

> There is no install disk: it's all on CD-ROM.

Sure there is. It's just that it's an image on the CD. Some of
the CD's are using 2.88 Meg floppy images now (yeah) but they are still
floppy images that would work just as well from a floppy as from a
faked out redirected floppy image from the CD.

> If you think I'm going to use a floppy to boot up an operating system
> with, you're wrong. It makes perfect sense to just boot up the kernel, and
> start installation from the CD.

You're still booting from a floppy image even if you are booting
from the CD and some distros have provisions for installing from the network
(which is what got Slackware in trouble with ME. You could root hack their
$#@$#@ network installs).

> Except it doesn't work unless you can read the CD. Which you can't with
> the current PCMCIA approach.


> NOW do you see why I think a user-mode component is simply not acceptable
> for any basic functionality?

> Linus

Michael H. Warfield | (770) 985-6132 |
(The Mad Wizard) | (770) 925-8248 |
NIC whois: MHW9 | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471 | possible worlds. A pessimist is sure of it!

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