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SubjectRe: strange problem in X.. last post to linux-kernel
Thanks to everyone on teh linux kernel mailing list for your
suggestions, it helped me eliminate some things that may be
thought to cause this wacky mouse problem that I an several
others running SMP are having.

1) it is SMP specific and seems to be 2.2 specific (there are
other problems in 2.0 that can cause X to crash this is not the
same crash is not = freeze/mouse wacko..different bug)

2) it is happening with version of X or later

3) it is not serial or PS/2 specific

4) it is not hardware or software cursor specific

5) it may have have something to do with shared interupts

6) it seems like X is loosing its mouse thou..

theory (mine suggested by someone thanks) the mouse is on com
port X its interrupt is on cpu0, X starts running on cpu1 and
its interrupts are on cpu1, then for some reason it looses it
mouse, and is trying to find it like where's Waldo(haha). The
reason that it comes back sometimes is that eventually the 2
interupts (possiblly) come back to one cpu and they find each
other like lost loves (how sweet)... however if they do not come
back to the same cpu x stays frozen.

does this sound plausable? if so reply ONLY to the smp mailing
list or to me directly..

thanks Joe

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