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Subjectsmbmount + 2.0.37 - Ooops :)
ive experienced a kernel flaw.. here are infos, see below:
Linux egoistic 2.0.37 #2 Sun Apr 4 08:48:07 EST 1999
One Intel Pentium UnknownMHz processor, 66.56 total bogomips, 64M RAM
System library 2.1.1
Debian 2.x unstable

smbmount, from Samba 2.0.2 was compiled using egcs-2.91.66.

Trace: 11c0ef <do_no_page+137/2ec>
Trace: 11c1c7 <do_no_page+20f/2ec>
Trace: 112a1e <do_page_fault+18e/30c>
Trace: 1128d0 <do_page_fault+40/30c>
Trace: 48e3000
Trace: 48e3000
Trace: 10bb60 <error_code+40/50>
Trace: 48e3000
Trace: 1308bf <create_elf_tables+1b/264>
Trace: 481050f
Trace: 4810526
Trace: 481053e
Trace: 4810555
Trace: 481055f
Trace: 4810569
Trace: 4810574
Trace: 480d8be
Trace: 480e9fc
Trace: 4811060
Trace: 1293fd <get_unnamed_dev+1/38>
Trace: 129805 <do_mount+e5/124>
Trace: 4810ce0
Trace: 4810ce0
Trace: 129ce2 <sys_mount+2ce/2fc>
Trace: 4810ce0
Trace: 4810ce0
Trace: 4811060
Trace: 124226 <close_fp+2a/58>
Trace: 124276 <sys_close+22/58>
Trace: 1242cf <sys_vhangup+23/38>
Trace: 11cb23 <do_munmap+2b/46c>
Trace: 10b9d5 <system_call+55/80>

Code: 8b 1c 3e movl (%esi,%edi,1),%ebx
Code: 89 19 movl %ebx,(%ecx)
Code: 83 fb 02 cmpl $0x2,%ebx
Code: 0f 86 9b 05 00 00 jbe 5a9 <_EIP+0x5a9>
Code: 81 c1 1e 02 00 00 addl $0x21e,%ecx

is the result of the ksymoops.
i become happy knowing that im helping the linux community, or not! hoho:>

o | Unix Guru in training
o _ | Alterego Research Industries Ph. (Br) -OUT-
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