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SubjectRe: albods are not a clean set of primitives
Michael Jaeger reminded me of a couple other interesting
points. The .nib files he mentioned, as well as .app files
are recursive. You can build useful .nibs and test them
and then just pop them into a package. You might even
use similar ones in different app's.

So the person who said there was no need for recursive
packages is dead wrong. I say so from the experience
of HAVING that capability in ProjectManager and

I also liked very much that the Workspace view of
packages could be bypassed when you needed to. As
a simple forinstance, I used find and Perl to
make copies of all the .gif/.tiff files on my machine
into a directory of images; another script
pulled all the Icon sized images together in
one place.

Another issue is that sometimes there are things
in an App that need tweaked. Or that just for
fun you want to modify. I always dived into
the Workspace manager after install and changed
the stupid PC recycler icon into the original
animated blackhole. I also tried (with less
luck) to reenabled the disconnected nib files
for the file encryption system that the
&*(*&()&*() in a US acronymic agency blackmailed
them into removing at the very last instant.
There were, btw, patches around in very short
order to restore PGP mail to the

All because folder types are simply directories
with known extensions (which you can add to
via a text editor btw, if you know which package
to cd into and which internal text file to edit).

I always used to say that when Steve made the NeXT
he made "A computer for ALL of us". Ie everyman
*and* hackers.

I hope this isn't too far afield... I thought a
few real world examples might help make the

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