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SubjectRe: Disk On Chip driver ?
From said:
> Please help ! Are there device driver for Disk On Chip ?

This is becoming a FAQ. There are binary-only drivers for the Disk-On-Chip.
They are fairly low quality - and they work only on Intel, Uniprocessor, 2.0.3x

I'm trying to work on a proper driver for them. It won't use their TrueFFS,
so it won't be compatible with the DOS drivers or their BIOS - but it'll be
enough to run a Linux-only system, and I'll provide a boot loader for the
device, too.

However, the device itself is a fairly evil hack. Whereas the original DoC1000
devices, and their ISA cards, worked similarly to EMS, where you switch in the
page of flash that you require and access it directly, the DoC2000 appears to
suck a byte at a time through a single window, making it much slower.

As I've made it clear to M-Systems that all I'm after is simple
hardware-banging instructions, rather than anything about TrueFFS, they seem
more inclined to help - I'm expecting a phone call from them some time
yesterday with enough information to read, write and erase blocks of flash.

That should allow people with a Disk-On-Chip to at least make some use of the
thing, even if I don't manage to get ECC working, or compatibility with their
own flash filing system.

Until then, the advice I'm giving to everyone who asks is: Use CompactFlash.

If you're interested in helping development, there's a majordomo-managed
mailing list:
( echo subscribe mtd | mail majordomo@... to subscribe)

And theres the basics of a driver, which can read some of the data from the
device, at , along with a useful
disassembly of their existing Linux driver.

---- ---- ----
David Woodhouse Office: (+44) 1223 810302
Project Leader, Process Information Systems Mobile: (+44) 976 658355
Axiom (Cambridge) Ltd., Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge, CB5 0NA, UK.
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