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SubjectRe: Why Linux is doomed

>It is people like me who do the quality assurance for Linux.
>People like me who complain. And if there is just _one_ goof like the
>FAT problem, there are literally thousands of people who will run into
>this problem and be discouraged to upgrade their kernel in the future.

You just don't get it do you ?

We don't *want* "people" upgrading their kernels to any development
version. Say it again: we don't want "people" upgrading their kernels
to any development version.

Development versions are explicitly intended for the small subset of
"people" who don't mind if (for example) FAT is broken on a new
release, or alternatively, who mind *enough* to fix it. They are for
people who don't care if it doesn't "compile out of the box".

If you are not one of those people, which you clearly are *not*, then
please stay away from the development kernels.

FWIW, I *am* one of those people, but for the time being, I am
consciously choosing to stay away from 2.3.<anything-less-than-100>. I
have enough other stuff to worry about. It sounds like you do to.

The linux kernel developers "group" is a developers group, not a
software release and support organization, although people do their
best to help. But the work that goes on here is not intended, in any
way, to supply you or anyone else with kernels that work, compile out
of the box, or anything else. Luckily, by a happy confluence of
events, things sometimes conspire to make them work this way, and
every so often, attention away from other kinds of work into trying to
make people like you happy. But that's not the case right now.


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