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Subject[2.2.10] Can't remove CD from writer, modprobe OOPS

I just wrote a CD on my SCSI-Writer (Adaptec 2940UW, Ricoh 6200S) and
now I can't eject the disc.

I tried unloading/loading cdrom,sg and sr_mod modules, and the I get
following OOPS:

Jun 20 16:03:56 harry kernel: Code: <1>Unable to handle kernel paging
request at virtual address c68f1c96

Text: 'Code: 0f b6 0c 03 89 4c 24 38 51 68 5c e1 1a c0 e8 1a 98 00 00
83 '
Garbage: ' '

>>EIP: c010a3ff <dump_thread+17d7/242c>
Trace: c68f1c96 <initialized.327+2d66/4858>
Trace: c6800000 <pci_root+65f6b34/6604b80>
Trace: c7000000 <END_OF_CODE+6ff450/????>
Trace: c010a460 <dump_thread+1838/242c>
Trace: c01ae164 <sprintf+279c/cf48>
Trace: c01af169 <sprintf+37a1/cf48>
Trace: c01af169 <sprintf+37a1/cf48>
Trace: c68ec9aa <cdrom_media_changed+32/3c>
Trace: c0125329 <check_disk_change+35/98>
Code: c010a3ff <dump_thread+17d7/242c> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c010a3ff <dump_thread+17d7/242c> 0: 0f b6 0c 03
movzbl (%ebx,%eax,1),%ecx <===
Code: c010a403 <dump_thread+17db/242c> 4: 89 4c 24 38
movl %ecx,0x38(%esp,1)
Code: c010a407 <dump_thread+17df/242c> 8: 51
pushl %ecx
Code: c010a408 <dump_thread+17e0/242c> 9: 68 5c e1 1a c0
pushl $0xc01ae15c
Code: c010a40d <dump_thread+17e5/242c> e: e8 1a 98 00 00
call c0113c2c <printk+0/174>
Code: c010a412 <dump_thread+17ea/242c> 13: 83 00 00
addl $0x0,(%eax)


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