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SubjectUUIDs and devfs.
	Uhmm, I've reading the posts to the list about devfs naming
scheme, consistency, compatibility, etc, and well, I've running and all
devfs box with no compatibility entries (that is with no symlinks) for
half a year and I think it is much more consistent that it was before,
when I load a module or I install new hardware the devices appears
automatically, no need for mknod or ln, and now when I do an ls -l /dev I
can see what I actually have, not what somebody think I could have
someday; /dev entries are directly related to the kernel, the device numbers
are really magic numbers and I think it would be good if kernel could do the
job for you.
I must say that I have to patch every program that access the /dev
directory, but that is because of me wanting no symlinks, if we provide
programmers with an standard it should be very easy to update your programs,
I know people may think that Richard hasn't asked anybody about the naming
scheme, but it looks logical to me, and I'm sure that if he had asked here
about what it should be we would still be arguing about it.
Anyway devfs IS an option just like SMP or Ethernet cards, if you
don't want it you just don't enable it, I really hope Linus will include
it in the 2.3.x series.

- german

One O.S. to rule them all, | German Gomez Garcia
One O.S. to find them. |
One O.S. to bring them all |
and in the darkness bind them. | "Wur Qanar Wur Stilor Wur Kas"

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