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SubjectRe: Speeding up fsck 2 times
>>>>> "Pavel" == Pavel Machek <> writes:
> I'm slowing down data operation by 5% or so. (Don't know how to
> benchmark this).

This 5% is worthless: it could be 0.1% as it could be 50%. Without a
fair benchmark, you don't know.

> I'm speeding up metadata operation by 100% or so.

Only for some metadata operations.

> People _want_ to slow normal operation down in exchange for faster
> fsck. (Did you hear that cries for journalling?) Journalling certainly
> _will_ slow common operations down but makes fsck faster.

But people who scream for journalling don't just want a faster fsck, they want
an "instantaneous" fsck (at least: mostly independent from the size of the
disk). I'm not willing to lose 5% performance in order to win just a factor
2 for fsck (especially since my SCSI disk doesn't seem to suffer from the
slow unlink that seems to plague some IDE setups).
But if the slowdown is actually closer to 1%, I might be convinced.
That's why benchmarks are important.


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