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SubjectNFS: can't silly-delete, error=-13


I keep getting NFS errors like the one shown above, and they appear
with both 2.2.9 and 2.2.10.
When checking the changelog for 2.2.10ac1, it didn't seem to mention this
bug either.

The error appears on each workstation client (most frequently when
shutting down the system, but also on regular invervals). I've got no idea
what's causing this, and find it strange that other people isn't seeing
this behaviour (from looking at the linux-kernel digest list).

I'd be happy to send more information about the system(s) on which this
error message appears.

Another issue; the knfsd package in the kernel seems to be unable to
export filesystems to SGI IRIX (6.5.0) workstations. I get an error in the
syslog (on the nfs server) stating

kernel: svc: unknown version (3)

I guess this 'bug' is probably known already.

Best regards,
Martin Andersen

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