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SubjectNFS woes: server timing out periodically: kernel issue?

I've sought an answer to this problem for a while now, with no luck. It
may be kernel related - I am no longer sure.

I'm having difficulty with my NFS server. All of the other network
machines periodically complain in the following manner:

Jun 14 14:20:57 gene6 kernel: nfs: server gene0 not responding, still
Jun 14 14:20:57 gene6 kernel: nfs: server gene0 OK
Jun 14 14:30:53 gene6 kernel: NFS: cache locked for 00:02/553803777
Jun 14 14:35:15 gene6 kernel: nfs: server gene0 not responding, still
Jun 14 14:35:15 gene6 kernel: nfs: server gene0 OK
Jun 14 14:35:48 gene6 kernel: nfs: task 63674 can't get a request slot
Jun 14 14:35:51 gene6 kernel: nfs: task 63613 can't get a request slot
Jun 14 14:35:53 gene6 kernel: nfs: task 63627 can't get a request slot
Jun 14 14:35:56 gene6 kernel: nfs: task 63659 can't get a request slot
Jun 14 14:36:06 gene6 kernel: nfs: server gene0 OK

and so on and so on. This happens from every machine on the network.

gene0 is serving a hardware RAID-5 array (using a SmartRAID IV DPT card).
All systems are running the latest nfs software (2.2beta40). Gene0 is a
dual P2-500. Gene6, used for the example, is a dual P3-500.

The /etc/fstab in gene6 that mounts gene0's resources is:

gene0:/nfs/disk1 /nfs/disk1 nfs
rsize=8192,wsize=4096,timeo=1000,nosuid,hard,intr,nolock 0 0

Clients are running 2.0.36/2.2.6/7 kernels some with SMP.
Server (gene0) causes grief with ANY kernel variation, SMP or not


If I had been the Virgin Mary, I would have said "No."
Margaret "Stevie" Smith
-------------------------------------------- 1332/1423 -

Martin Krzywinski
System Administrator
Center for Integrated Genomics
BC Cancer Agency
600 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
tel: (604) 877-6086
fax: (604) 877-6085

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