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SubjectDire bug in linux 2.3.6+fix

After upgrading to linux 2.3.6 I was greeted with sh: can not load shared library
indicating running out of memory. This more than moderately suspect immediately after booting
on a P II with 64Mb of memory. Further investigation showed get_unmapped_area in mm/mmap.c
returning a non-page aligned start address which caused do_unmap to die with a result
that do_mmap returnd failure. Ouch!

The following patch appears to badly impact system stability but at least I can run *some*
programs with it applied.

--- linux-2.3.6/mm/mmap.c.dist Sun Jun 13 06:07:15 1999
+++ linux-2.3.6/mm/mmap.c Sun Jun 13 12:32:25 1999
@@ -358,6 +358,7 @@

for (vmm = find_vma(current->mm, addr); ; vmm = vmm->vm_next) {
/* At this point: (!vmm || addr < vmm->vm_end). */
+ addr = PAGE_ALIGN(addr);
if (TASK_SIZE - len < addr)
return 0;
if (!vmm || addr + len <= vmm->vm_start)
Linux 2.3.6 still regularly locks hard running bootup scripts whether from init or
o.w. (SysRq-k usually works though). 2.2.9 and 2.3.5 at least seem to manage to
get stuck in state D when things get SIGIOT hitting uninteruptable sleep in
down_failed, which sounds like a mutex problem. A reliable way of triggering this
bug is building the gcc 2.95 prerelease or running its test (the test definately
recieves SIGIOT and then enters prepetual uninteruptable sleep).

I am thinking about how feasable a new heap structured list scheduler would be feasable,
so am tracking 2.3.x. The idea would be that priorities are n-bit cyclic numbers (like TCP)
and the rate at which a task's desirability decreases is affected by its scheduling
priority. At the appropiate moment sift_down moves the task down the pecking order. This
would require keeping track of a "base" value for new entrants but should be a lot cheaper
(chaning a key, removing an entry and adding a key are all O(log n)).

[I guess really undesirable jobs could become locked out for a large amount of time but
that could be alleged to be a feature :-)]
Opinions to about that please. Time to do coding of any sort is at
a large premium right now due to problems booting with a 2.3.x kernel in general and
"real" work (there is a race to publish a quantum crypto result on now... I am definately
in the running).

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