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SubjectRe: [Fwd: PIII patches]
At 07:18 AM 06/11/1999 -0400, wrote:
>Jason Hartman wrote:
>> At 01:48 AM 06/09/1999 -0400, wrote:
>> >
>> >-------- Original Message --------
>> >From:
>> >Subject: PIII patches
>> >To: Linus Torvalds <>,MOLNAR Ingo
>> ><>,,Dave Miller
>> ><>,"Stephen C. Tweedie" <>
>> >
>> >These are my current PIII patches. The first patch is the base PIII/FXSAVE
>> >support. It was done along the lines of what Linus suggested (and I agreed
>> >with) in that we don't fiddle around doing FXSAVE to FSAVE conversions. We
>> >use fnstenv and fldenv in order to get the various control bits that we need
>> >and then simply copy the 80bit fpu register values into the user_i387
>> Although I think using hardware for reading the FPU tagword is a good
>> idea I don't think using FNSTENV on every state save is the right
>> thing to do.
>> The common state save need is just to switch tasks. This doesn't require
>> the state saved in a user friendly format. So the fnstenv is typically
>> overhead.
>It's a tradeoff. Since we use lazy FPU saves anyway, both the fxsave and the
>fnstenv are skipped by non-fpu app context switches. On apps that do use the
>FPU though, signals are an example of a bad time to do the fpu conversion in
>hardware. For example, assume apps A and B both use the fpu. App A gets put
>to sleep, app B starts plugging away on the FPU. We would have saved the FPU
>state of A already during the context switch. If we then take an interrupt
>that ends up generating a signal to App A, then we need to put the FPU state
>info into the signal stack. As a result, we have to save state of App B,
>restore App A state, save the tag word (and whatever else we want) and then
>copy that into the signal stack, then go from there. Generally speaking, it
>adds a good amount of overhead to the signal path and if the signal handler in
>App A didn't want to do any more FPU stuff, then we would have failed on our
>lazy FPU saves. It also adds complexity. That's why I did it the way I did.
>Better to just get the fpu save stuff out of the way and have everything at
>hand instead of changing all kinds of code paths for these kinds of
>save/restore/save tag word hacks.

I'm confused. The comments and code in process.c tell me that "Lazy FP
saving no longer makes any sense..."
It seems to me that whenever a task switch is about to take place
the FP exceptions should be syncronized. This greatly simplifies
code paths; the task generating the exception will always be active
when the exception arrives.

You also seem to have missed my point that exceptional cases should
be rare. If there are several fpu/mmx/sse using tasks, but exceptions
never show up then all of the fpxxenv cycles are wasted. Just to
restate, there are two cases for needing the tagword (the only field
requiring conversion I know of):

1) an exception does come up - the exceptional context is currently
loaded in the FPU; hello fsave.

2) task monitoring - which I would also believe is atypical. As I said
I don't have any data for this. but I would think it is only needed
when debugging FP tasks. Yes, the context is probably different,
but this is a situation where we can take a performance hit.

>> The exceptional case and the monitoring case (ptrace) should happen
>> infrequently (we'll I don't really have any ptrace numbers), and when
>> they do they can be expected to be non-performance critical. If you
>> want performance the FP exceptions should all be masked.
>> Removing FNSTENV alone won't work because, pending exceptions may
>> linger and not be masked... Some exception ~reset~ is needed.
>Not possible with the various *save instructions on the PIII. I spent many an
>hour tracking this down, but using fwait with fxsave will result in a cpu
>reset. Using fstenv instead of fnstenv will result in a cpu reset (either
>before or after the fxsave). I didn't try doing an fninit, but even that
>wouldn't work since you would be doing so *after* the fxsave so anything that
>would get changed as a result of the fninit forcing the immediate running of
>the exception handler would get lost.

I'm confused here about cpu reset. How can fwait and fxsave cause the
whole cpu to reset? I'd really like to see the context of this. There
is a situation I ran into at boot that required special handling be
added to the general case. That is the generation of an fpu exception
at kernel boot so the exception response method may be checked. There
is no handler and the TS bit and well as the used_math flag have been
cleared so the exception loops if exceptions aren't masked... Well it
is a little more complicated than that, but I just trying to guess
at what you were saying.

>> Therefore FXSAVE followed by FNINIT will handle everything. Using
>> FNINIT also makes the resulting state exactly as it does when
>> FNSAVE is used.
>That is a side effect of FSAVE, but not something we rely upon (or really need
>or possibly want to be honest). We do an fninit the first time an app uses
>the FPU, so doing so here would be redundant and would preclude the ability to
>leave behind a certain fpu state should we wish to.

That is great if there is no need to rely on resetting or masking
FP exceptions after a save. I could only get as far as the special
boot problem mentioned above w/o resetting. A work around for that
would be great. Maybe a temporary signal handler. For clarification
the requirement we have met to get away with no masking exceptions are:
1) after an exceptional state is saved
a) the TS bit is immediately set
b) no ESC instruction will excute until the exception is
cleared or masked
2) (implying) no ESC opcode within the kernel
3) every exception has some kind of fixup handler

>> When an exceptional or ptrace case does come up the state can
>> be restored and then saved with FNSAVE directly into user memory.
>Sure, lets take a 100+ cycle hit to restore using FXRSTOR, then take a 200+
>cycle hit to do an FSAVE. I didn't bother to measure the FNSTENV instruction,
>but my guess was that the amount of effort needed to copy 28 bytes followed by
>copying 80bits 8 times is less than the hit you have listed above.
>Furthermore, the way I did it gets rid of *all* fsave/frstor operations. The
>hope (and again, I didn't measure it) being that an FNSTENV and FLDENV would
>be enough faster than FSAVE/FRSTOR that we would actually end up ahead in the
>long run.

Lets look at the two cases:


My method - 200 for FSAVE
Your method - (80 for copy + 50 fnstenv) + (50 fnstenv @ task switch)

=> if there are 2+ task switches involving fpu usage you lose


My method - 200 for FSAVE + 100+ for FXRSTOR
Your method - same

=> lets say 5+ task switches are needed
If there are no switches then the monitor will be delay 200 cycles.

>> (I believe Linus suggested saving directly into user mem previously.)
>> In the exceptional case where the state hasn't changed yet (hasn't
>> been saved and reinited) then no restore is needed, just the
>> appropriate saving and reinit.
>> Finally some memory may be saved in the task struct.
>Hmmm...not a whole lot. I only use 32bytes aside from the 512byte FXSAVE
>struct. FNSTENV needs 28 of those 32 bytes, and the last bit are padding
>since we need 16byte alignment. In that case you mention, the best you could
>do is either not have any legacy FPU state storage space, in which case you
>save 32 bytes (and are required to always do your fsave/fstenv stuff directly
>into user space or onto the stack) or you can do *at best* 4 bytes better than
>me by moving the fstenv space to the end of the struct so you don't have a
>padding byte. I have yet to find a way to get the tag word out of the CPU
>without doing either fstenv or fsave. So as far as I can tell, you would have
>to do one of the two.

But there is no need to have duplicate state saved. Just create it when
you need it => 32 bytes. I don't really know how many thread the typical
system runs with, but it is some thing.

I agree that FSTENV or FSAVE is needed to get it directly out of the CPU.
There is a manual conversion, but we agree it is more trouble than it
is worth.

>> >Caveats: This patch doesn't set the OSXMMEXCEPT bit in cr4 since we don't
>> >have the new exception handler yet. This needs written. Once this is
>> >written, the various tests that are current something like
>> >
>> >if ( (len > 95) &&
>> > (boot_cpu_data.x86_capability & X86_FEATURE_XMM) &&
>> > (boot_cpu_data.cr4_features & X86_CR4_OSFXSR) ) {
>> >}
>> >
>> >can be compressed to test just the len and features for X86_CR4_OSXMMEXCEPT.
>> Before I was able to dig up an SSE patch I made my own changes to the
>> 2.3.3 kernel to support SSE. I have also added an SSE exception handler,
>> but I have come across an issue that needs discussion.
>> The issue is signalling the task of the error. There were a few
>> possibilties for the signal:
>> 1) Take over a remaining signal - I see one lost and one unsused.
>> This is probably a bad idea...
>> or
>> 2) Signal the task with SIGFPE and
>> a) Set the fpstate pointer of sigcontext to point to the fxsaved
>> state only when the exception is an SSE exception.
>> or
>> b) Change nothing in the sigcontext and create a new syscall for
>> the user to retrieve the extended info. (Thought by Doug Ledford)
>> and/or
>> 3) The task may inform the kernel is wishes to always have the
>> sigcontext sent with fxsaved state. This request would be
>> denied if the processor didn't actually support FXSAVE/FXRSTOR.
>> This bit check could prevent all FP specific state overhead if my
>> FNSTENV suggestion is implemented.
>> You can guess my preference - 2a & eventually 3. And here is why:
>> If a task creates an SSE exception is must either know about SSE or
>> be executing what it thought was bad opcodes (do we really care about
>> their task in that case?) If they know about the opcodes and unmask SSE
>> exceptions, then they should have read the docs about Linux SSE support
>> and know that we point fpstate to the fxsaved area. I believe the
>> current deafult handle is simply to exit and doesn't bother with
>> fpstate at all => no problem there.
>Hmmm....and when you have an app that uses the regular FP registers for
>certain ops and the XMM registers for other things, how exactly does the app
>know if the SIGFPE is for a regular FP op or an SSE op at the time it gets the
>signal (and has to interpret that pointer)?

The trap number will be 19 instead of 16.

>> Additionally if my above FNSTENV suggestion is implemented then there
>> will be no need to perform the FP state 'conversion' even in the absence
>> of 3.
>Are you going to flag each app that uses SSE as SSE using so that a normal FP
>exception also passes an SSE struct? If you don't, then you still have to
>deal with conversions whenever you get a SIGFPE that doesn't use SSE (and for
>all non-SSE using apps that expect a normal FPU save struct). Additionally,
>you have to tell the app somehow (or else the app has to try and guess what it
>is by the contents of the struct, and I could see that method having problems
>being deterministic).

There are no determinism problems I can see.

For all existing apps under method 2a:
FPU exception => existing FPU struct passed

For all non-existing apps under method 2a:
FPU exception => existing FPU struct passed
SSE exception => FXSAVE/FXRSTOR (FXSR) struct passed
with 3 option:
FPU exception with apps requesting FXSR state => FXSR struct passed

>> Jason Hartman
> Doug Ledford <>
> Opinions expressed are my own, but
> they should be everybody's.

Anyone else out there with thought or insight?

Please correct me if I am wrong about anything. I've
just start using/modifying Linux in the last few weeks.

Jason Hartman

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