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Subjectquestion on inw/ouw vs readw/writew
im not sure if this is the *right* forum or not, but it seems to be as
close to it as i can find...

i am in the process of porting a char device driver for a proprietary
board we use here from bsdi to linux. apart from the differences in
entry points and interrupt handling stuff, it appears to be pretty
straight forward.

the board has 16 word-length ports starting at 0x310. the driver was
written using inw/outw (as you would expect) when referencing those
address. however, when i try to 'just do it' under linux 2.0, only
some of the ports work. for the ones that dont, readw/writew seem
to work fine. and outsw doesn't seem to work at all for me (it may
be that it's on one of those ports where outw didn't work, though).

so my question is: why wouldn't inw/outw work where readw/writew

- j

PS. i have the o'reilly linux driver book, and i've found it quite
helpful, but they don't discuss this sort of thing. if someone
has a suggestion for some other place where i might find this
sort of thing explained, im all ears...

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