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SubjectOopses from 2.2.7 under RH6.0

Please find attached two oopses and a copy of the output of
ver_linux from a Gateway P120, 32MB RAM, 16GB IBM HDD,

The oops from httpd occurs at system bootup when httpd is started by RH,
it never occurs with 2.2.5-15 from RH 6.0, and it only sometimes occurs
with 2.2.7,

The one from mkswap happened when I was moving my swap partition, I
swaped off my swap partition, re-fdisked the drive, and did a mkswap -c
/dev/<device> and it oops like that ... in this case the machine has no
other swap devices to use at the time of issuing the command ..

are they egcs problems? if so I can probably dig gcc2.7.2, this machine
unfortuantely sits in my house with no phone line and no net connection..
so I have to brings oops to work with me ..


------------ David Airlie,,airlied@skynet --------
Telecommunications Research Centre, ECE Dept, University of Limerick \ -- Telecommunications Researcher \
--- TEL: +353-61-202695 -----------------------------------------------
-- Versions installed: (if some fields are empty or looks
-- unusual then possibly you have very old versions)
Linux asimov 2.2.7 #1 Thu May 6 11:30:36 IST 1999 i586 unknown
Kernel modules 2.1.121
Gnu C egcs-2.91.66
Linux C Library 2.1.1
Dynamic linker ldd (GNU libc) 2.1.1
Procps 2.0.2
Mount 2.9o
Net-tools 1.51
Kbd [option...]
Sh-utils 1.16
Modules Loaded floppy nfsd lockd sunrpc opl3 sb uart401 sound soundcore unix
Options used: -V (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.2.7/ (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-m /usr/src/linux/ (default)
-c 1 (default)

You did not tell me where to find symbol information. I will assume
that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running right now
and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc. ksymoops -h explains the options.

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000004
current->tss.cr3 = 0115b000, %cr3 = 0115b000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c0124110>]
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax: 00000004 ebx: 00000214 ecx: 00000305 edx: 00000004
esi: 00001000 edi: 00000214 ebp: 00000305 esp: c1dd7cf4
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process mkswap (pid: 1423, process nr: 58, stackpage=c1dd7000)
Stack: c012414b 00000305 00000214 00001000 c01243b2 00000305 00000214 00001000
00000000 00000001 00000000 c1dd7e9c c0442c60 c0127431 00000305 00000214
00001000 c16169e0 ffffffea 00000000 00001000 00000008 0804ae08 00000215
Call Trace: [<c012414b>] [<c01243b2>] [<c0127431>] [<c0128860>] [<c0128a87>] [<c0128aac>] [<c0129751>]
[<c0119363>] [<c01193a3>] [<c01194e8>] [<c0122aa9>] [<c0122c62>] [<c01086d8>]
Code: 8b 00 39 5a 04 75 11 39 72 08 75 0c 66 39 4a 0c 75 06 89 d0

>>EIP: c0124110 <find_buffer+28/4c>
Trace: c012414b <get_hash_table+17/24>
Trace: c01243b2 <getblk+1e/144>
Trace: c0127431 <block_read+2b5/4e0>
Trace: c0128860 <search_binary_handler+54/114>
Trace: c0128a87 <do_execve+167/1cc>
Trace: c0128aac <do_execve+18c/1cc>
Trace: c0129751 <lookup_dentry+15d/1e8>
Trace: c0119363 <do_anonymous_page+6f/80>
Code: c0124110 <find_buffer+28/4c> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c0124110 <find_buffer+28/4c> 0: 8b 00 movl (%eax),%eax <===
Code: c0124112 <find_buffer+2a/4c> 2: 39 5a 04 cmpl %ebx,0x4(%edx)
Code: c0124115 <find_buffer+2d/4c> 5: 75 11 jne c0124128 <find_buffer+40/4c>
Code: c0124117 <find_buffer+2f/4c> 7: 39 72 08 cmpl %esi,0x8(%edx)
Code: c012411a <find_buffer+32/4c> a: 75 0c jne c0124128 <find_buffer+40/4c>
Code: c012411c <find_buffer+34/4c> c: 66 39 4a 0c cmpw %cx,0xc(%edx)
Code: c0124120 <find_buffer+38/4c> 10: 75 06 jne c0124128 <find_buffer+40/4c>
Code: c0124122 <find_buffer+3a/4c> 12: 89 d0 movl %edx,%eax

3 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.
Options used: -V (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.2.7/ (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-m /usr/src/linux/ (default)
-c 1 (default)

You did not tell me where to find symbol information. I will assume
that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running right now
and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc. ksymoops -h explains the options.

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000004
current->tss.cr3 = 01bf5000, %cr3 = 01bf5000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c0124110>]
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax: 00000004 ebx: 00030210 ecx: 00000301 edx: 00000004
esi: 00000400 edi: 00000008 ebp: c07bfc20 esp: c1bf7e48
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process httpd (pid: 1004, process nr: 40, stackpage=c1bf7000)
Stack: c012414b 00000301 00030210 00000400 c0124da4 00000301 00030210 00000400
00000000 c1bf7ef4 00000008 c1ed0dd0 00000003 c0124ee8 c14ec000 00000301
00000003 c07bfbc0 00000000 c07bfbc0 c07bfb60 c07bfc80 c1ed0dd0 c1bf7eb8
Call Trace: [<c012414b>] [<c0124da4>] [<c0124ee8>] [<c0125095>] [<c011ac92>] [<c011b06a>] [<c011b40b>]
[<c011b358>] [<c0122c62>] [<c01086d8>]
Code: 8b 00 39 5a 04 75 11 39 72 08 75 0c 66 39 4a 0c 75 06 89 d0

>>EIP: c0124110 <find_buffer+28/4c>
Trace: c012414b <get_hash_table+17/24>
Trace: c0124da4 <brw_page+14c/368>
Trace: c0124ee8 <brw_page+290/368>
Trace: c0125095 <generic_readpage+81/90>
Trace: c011ac92 <try_to_read_ahead+10a/120>
Trace: c011b06a <do_generic_file_read+2f6/5e4>
Trace: c011b40b <generic_file_read+63/7c>
Trace: c011b358 <file_read_actor+0/50>
Code: c0124110 <find_buffer+28/4c> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c0124110 <find_buffer+28/4c> 0: 8b 00 movl (%eax),%eax <===
Code: c0124112 <find_buffer+2a/4c> 2: 39 5a 04 cmpl %ebx,0x4(%edx)
Code: c0124115 <find_buffer+2d/4c> 5: 75 11 jne c0124128 <find_buffer+40/4c>
Code: c0124117 <find_buffer+2f/4c> 7: 39 72 08 cmpl %esi,0x8(%edx)
Code: c012411a <find_buffer+32/4c> a: 75 0c jne c0124128 <find_buffer+40/4c>
Code: c012411c <find_buffer+34/4c> c: 66 39 4a 0c cmpw %cx,0xc(%edx)
Code: c0124120 <find_buffer+38/4c> 10: 75 06 jne c0124128 <find_buffer+40/4c>
Code: c0124122 <find_buffer+3a/4c> 12: 89 d0 movl %edx,%eax

3 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.
 \ /
  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:51    [W:0.043 / U:0.368 seconds]
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