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SubjectFAT32 driver annihilated my filesystem...all before noon
'ello.  I was doing a disk backup this morning (as usual) onto one of my
drives with the command:

dd if=/dev/sdc of=/mnt/big/junk.img

A fairly normal operation (/mnt/big is a mounted FAT32 partition of size
approximately 9.1gb). I had JUST enough space to store the file (which
would have been approximately 2gb -- i had 2.5gb or so free). Everything
was going along great until suddenly the FAT32 driver went nuts, spewing
out screenfuls of errors including "Out of disk space." Obviously
wondering what the hell was up, I did a DF only to be confronted with
another million errors. I tried an ls and got a totally corrupted
directory listing. I then umounted the partition and when I tried to
remount it, no FAT filesystem detected. Further investigation revealed
that the partition table is perfectly fine, but that the FAT table and
Boot Sector are completely gone. DOS reports "Invalid Media Error."

2.2.5 SMP (I know 2.2.7's out, but I didn't see any fixes in the
list involving this)
Diamond Fireport SCSI (NCR8xx something driver)
Dead FAT32 drive = 1 9.1gb partition (FDISK stats:
Disk /dev/sdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1105 cyl
/dev/sdb1: Start 1, End 1105, 8875881 Blocks, ID 87, System
(this is after it got destroyed -- but fdisk in DOS still
recognizes it as a DOS partition, so I assume fdisk in linux is just a
little outdated on the partition type. All the other data is correct.

Errors in the logfile:
(they repeated, these are the first entries):
fat_free: skipped EOF
ry sread (sector 0x16a096d6) failed.
attempt to access beyond end of device
08:04: rw=0, want=189811563, limit=88839945
directory sread (sector=0x16a096d6) failed.

blah blah blah, about 6 million entries of that with the want= value
incrementing every now and again, and ending with the nice killer:

Filesystem panic (08:04)
FAT error
Directory 383816: Bad FAT

Oh yeah, it got another error at the end I thought particularly cute:
<4>FAT: fat_truncate called through fs is read-only, uhh...
Last Message Repeated 47 times

If anyone figures out what the hell happened, please email me at I'm not on the kernel mailing list. Until this is fixed, I
guess I can't trust the FAT32 driver with partitions over 8.4GB.. damn.
At least I have a backup of that drive, only lost 2 days of work...

-jim perry

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