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SubjectRe: Status of Linux SCSI generic implementation
> Hi,
> what is the current status of this and what are the plans for the
> future? Apparently there is a lot of hurt feelings on the side of the
> creator of the famous cdrecord program...
> J"org Schilling's notes on the topic are here
> and a discussion of the three "competing" interfaces is here

> Is this likely to get sorted out any time soon?

The new implementation is in place and working in 2.2.6
and 2.2.7 with some blemishes to be ironed out in a new
patch hopefully to be ready for 2.2.8 (it's with ac
now). The interface is just the tip of the iceberg.
It will not change.

The driver has been accepted by David Mosberger-Tang
(sane) and Monty (cdparanoia) as a reasonable (but not
necessarily the best) compromise. Monty has a cdparanoia
III alpha that uses some of the new features. Various
other developers (some working for big corporations)
seem to be happy with the progress.

Joerg Schilling holds out with his own interface on
top of my implementation. He conveniently neglects to
mention that he has borrowed about 1200 lines of my code
which I continue to maintain. The problem with this is
the bug fixes + minor implementation improvements that
have been added in the last 7 weeks (since he forked the
code). Hopefully with time he will either drop this
approach of use run time selection in his transport
library to support both (and I have supplied such a

It seems as though some people want this debate
re-opened and I will shortly make a posting to the
linux-scsi list which seems like the correct place.
That post will challenge most of the technical claims
made in the above documents which I ignored in the
forlorn hope that Joerg would, in time, relent.
I will do my best to ignore the personal accusations.

Doug Gilbert
[current ;-) ] maintainer of the sg device driver

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