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Subjectblock devices and I/O requests
I have a few questions here about I/O requests -- any answers or pointers to
resources would be great!

1. Why does ll_rw_block() have special cases for /dev/md* devices? Is there
a reason to do it that way instead of creating the underlying I/O requests
in do_md_request? Perhaps there's some locking issue or interrupt problem
or something with calling make_request from a request_fn? I'm thinking of
doing exactly that (calling make_request for a different device from
do_mydriver_request), and the md special case made me think twice about
whether it would be allowed.

2. If it is possible, md_make_request does something with the lock bit of
the buffer_head. Can someone explain what's going on and whether the same
would be required for creating the request from do_xxx_request? I don't
really see the buffer_head getting unlocked from make_request (which would
have already been called on it) so perhaps it would already be locked in my
case? And what's the difference between the lock_buffer() or whatever it's
called in make_request and the set_bit(BH_Lock, ...) in md_make_request? Do
they do similar things? Does md_make_request not bother to check for
contention? (And if not, then why not?)

2. If my request function calls kmalloc, does that make it unsuitable for
swapping? I thought I'd heard something about that recently on the list wrt
swapping on md devices, but can someone confirm this particular quirk? I
can always use a private pool if necessary, but I don't want to do so unless
it's really needed.

3. Is there something special about the struct buffer_head that gets passed
to make_request? Can I just create one and set it up with the device I want
to read from and copy the rest from CURRENT->bh (assuming identical disk
geometry)? Or do I have to perform mystical buffering rituals to get a
buffer_head? This is not to do actual buffering of I/O -- I specifically
want to avoid any of the I/O done internally by my driver being buffered,
but I need a struct buffer_head to give to make_request to do the I/O at

Sorry for what I'm sure are dumb questions -- I really couldn't find any
answers anywhere -- if there is a good resource on these things, I'd be very
interested in it.

Chris Smith

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