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SubjectRE: Why is 2.0.36 so broken? (RH 5.2)
In article <> you wrote:
> the program specified. That way, I could be certain what strings
> were delivered to the execvp() syscall. Here is the code, the
> invocation and the result:

Another way would have been to use strace.

OK. That would work too. That begs the real question of what is
going on. Why is it related to using ksh vs. bash? Did the RH5.2
distribution come with ksh improperly linked? Well, no, that can't
be the problem because my program filtered out that possibility.
I have to assume that vi received the wrong value for the file name.
Is it possible/likely that netscape is experiencing the same problem?
On the other hand, if it is not shell related, then why does it happen
under ksh and not bash? It is so weird.

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