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SubjectHelp:How to register my line discipline?

Hi all,

I am new to this concept of line disciplines. I wanted to perform
data transfer thru serial ports after performing some processing
on raw data.For this I have written a program which has routines
for the linedisc entry points.

Now I want the existing char driver(/usr/src/linux/drivers/
char/serial.c)to use my linedisc routines.

when I went thru the source code I found that the calls to the disc
routines from serial.c are done in tty_io.c

Now the problem is how do I tell the tty_io.c to access my disc

Is it possible to register my linedisc without making it a network

Could u please tell me the sequence of steps needed to solve my
problem.If not could u please suggest some sources where I can
reach out for help.

Thanx in advance

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