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Subjectoops in 2.3.3
I like 2.3.3! But:

Partition check;
hda;bad magic 0 9should be c01daf9c, creator 10, wq bug, forcing oops.
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000
current-.tss.cr3 = 00101000, 5cr3 = 00101000
8pde = 00000000
Oops; 0002
CPU; 0
EIP; 0010;[,c01126a5.]
EFLAGS; 00010082
eax; 00000016 ebx; 00000000 ecx; 00000000 edx; c01d8f68
esi; c0003fd0 edi; 00000003 ebp; c0097fbc esp; c0097fac
ds; 0018 es; 0018 ss; 0018
Process kflushd 9pid; 2, process nr; 2, stackpage=c00970000
Stack; 00000003 00000282 00000003 c01daf94 00000000 c012b048 00000f00 c0003fd0
c0106000 000000a0 c0106000 000000a0 c00961c6 00000008 c0096000 00000003
00000000 c010979d 00000000 00000f00 c01ebfd8
Call Trace; [,c012b048.] [,c0106000.] [,c0106000.] [,c010979d.]
Code; 89 0d 00 00 00 00 8b 4d fc 8b 01 85 c0 74 07 8b 51 04 85 d2
hda1 hda2 , hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 . hda3 hda4

ksymoops <oops:

Warning; trailing garbage ignored on Code; line
Text; 'Code; 89 0d 00 00 00 00 8b 4d fc 8b 01 85 c0 74 07 8b 51 04 85 d2 '
Garbage; ' '

..EIP; c01126a5 ,--wake-up=4c/e9.
Trace; c012b048 ,bdflush=21a/273.
Trace; c0106000 ,init=0/1a8.
Trace; c0106000 ,init=0/1a8.
Trace; c010979d ,kernel-thread=23/2d.
Code; c01126a5 ,--wake-up=4c/e9. 00000000 ,-EIP.; ,===
Code; c01126a5 ,--wake-up=4c/e9. 0; 89 0d 00 00 00 movl
5ecx,0x0 ,===
Code; c01126aa ,--wake-up=51/e9. 5; 00
Code; c01126ab ,--wake-up=52/e9. 6; 8b 4d fc movl
Code; c01126ae ,--wake-up=55/e9. 9; 8b 01 movl
Code; c01126b0 ,--wake-up=57/e9. b; 85 c0 testl
Code; c01126b2 ,--wake-up=59/e9. d; 74 07 je
c01126bb ,--wake-up=62/e9.
Code; c01126b4 ,--wake-up=5b/e9. f; 8b 51 04 movl
Code; c01126b7 ,--wake-up=5e/e9. 12; 85 d2 testl

2 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.

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