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SubjectRe: CD-RW

I actually did find v4.00 of MicroEmacs for all operating systems, the
developer has taken a usenet-developed-not-explicitly-licensed program and
turned it semi-commercial (charge for non-personal use). And it has some
useful additions (multi-level undo for example). The source is particularly
poorly set up (if you want all the features, you have to use the FreeBSD
makefile and set options like GCC and UNIX when it says to only set one of
them, that kind of thing), but it seems to work (as far as I can tell as a
non-EMACS-user, and as far as the MicroEmacs users here have told me so far).

Here's my 'compile notes' if you decide to try it:
Compiled for FreeBSD target (has most options enabled) and WINDOW_TEXT (WINDOW_X
leaves stuff out). Defined UNIX and GCC (even though it says to define only
one, check the source...).
Modified to use /usr/local/lib/uemacs.
Made to always load /usr/local/lib/.emacsrc before user startup file, instead
of only doing user startup if it exists.
Wrote a small .emacsrc and emacs.hlp.

To find the source in .tar.gz, get ue400dev.tar.gz from down the bottom of

(this is also findable from but it's a zip file inside a zip
file inside a zip file and the filenames are all uppercase)

Version 4.1 is promised in January 1997...:-)


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