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SubjectKernel oops on sound recording (?)
Hi kernel folks,

This is my first message on this list so please try handle my blabberings

I was compressing one wav to mp3 using bladeenc, when I suddenly saw the
window halfway filled with garbage (mostly characters of high hex codes
like 0xa0-0xf0 in my brief glance). Looked like the BladeEnc had suddenly
crashed due to some bug in it but a look at my logging window showed 3
oops, which is directly grabbed from my dmesg. When pushed through
ksymoops it says, with 2 >& 1:

(I don't even try interpret what it says)

Options used: -V (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.2.9/ (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-m /boot/ (specified)
-c 1 (default)

Warning in compare_ksyms_lsmod, module bsd_comp is in lsmod but not in ksyms, probably no symbols exported
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 615faffc
current->tss.cr3 = 00fd7000, %cr3 = 00fd7000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<615faffc>]
EFLAGS: 00010286
eax: 00000172 ebx: 0000004c ecx: 00000025 edx: c0c20000
esi: bfffbeec edi: c1a0e000 ebp: 00000000 esp: c0f19f34
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process bladeenc (pid: 1117, process nr: 61, stackpage=c0f19000)
Stack: 3f2f862e 58229f6c 3f3b2494 138b54cc 00000000 c0f19f58 c0f18000 c0f19f58
c0f18000 c0f18000 c1a0e964 c017fce6 c1a0e000 c24a3ba0 bfffbeec 0000004c
c24a3ba0 ffffffea c0e87e0c 0000004c c0e87e18 c0e87e0c c0183ac0 c0122494
Call Trace: [<c017fce6>] [<c0183ac0>] [<c0122494>] [<c017fb74>] [<c0107990>]
Code: <1>Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 615faffc
Warning: trailing garbage ignored on Code: line
Text: 'Code: <1>Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 615faffc'
Garbage: 'Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 615faffc'
Warning, Code looks like message, not hex digits. No disassembly attempted.

>>EIP: 615faffc Before first symbol
Trace: c017fce6 <tty_write+172/1b4>
Trace: c0183ac0 <write_chan+0/1dc>
Trace: c0122494 <sys_write+dc/100>
Trace: c017fb74 <tty_write+0/1b4>
Trace: c0107990 <system_call+34/38>

current->tss.cr3 = 00fd7000, %cr3 = 00fd7000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c0107df1>]
EFLAGS: 00010046
eax: 00000000 ebx: 00000000 ecx: 615faffc edx: c2b34000
esi: 0000002b edi: c0f1a000 ebp: c3800000 esp: c0f19e74
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process bladeenc (pid: 1117, process nr: 61, stackpage=c0f19000)
Stack: 5e9fe000 c0f18000 c01ded0e bfffbeec c1a0e000 00000000 00000172 0000004c
00000025 c0c20000 615faffc 00010286 03000000 c4000000 c0107e54 c0f19ef8
c019c678 c019d90e 00000000 00000000 c010cbf4 c019d90e c0f19ef8 00000000
Call Trace: [<c4000000>] [<c0107e54>] [<c019c678>] [<c019d90e>] [<c010cbf4>] [<c019d90e>] [<c0107a95>]
[<c017fce6>] [<c0183ac0>] [<c0122494>] [<c017fb74>] [<c0107990>]
Code: 8a 04 0b 89 44 24 38 50 68 70 c6 19 c0 e8 11 96 00 00 83 c4
Warning: trailing garbage ignored on Code: line
Text: 'Code: 8a 04 0b 89 44 24 38 50 68 70 c6 19 c0 e8 11 96 00 00 83 c4 '
Garbage: ' '

>>EIP: c0107df1 <show_registers+24d/280>
Trace: c4000000 <END_OF_CODE+796fe0/????>
Trace: c0107e54 <die+30/38>
Trace: c019c678 <stext_lock+104c/23b4>
Trace: c019d90e <stext_lock+22e2/23b4>
Trace: c010cbf4 <do_page_fault+2bc/30c>
Trace: c019d90e <stext_lock+22e2/23b4>
Trace: c0107a95 <error_code+2d/34>
Trace: c017fce6 <tty_write+172/1b4>
Code: c0107df1 <show_registers+24d/280> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c0107df1 <show_registers+24d/280> 0: 8a 04 0b movb (%ebx,%ecx,1),%al <===
Code: c0107df4 <show_registers+250/280> 3: 89 44 24 38 movl %eax,0x38(%esp,1)
Code: c0107df8 <show_registers+254/280> 7: 50 pushl %eax
Code: c0107df9 <show_registers+255/280> 8: 68 70 c6 19 c0 pushl $0xc019c670
Code: c0107dfe <show_registers+25a/280> d: e8 11 96 00 00 call c0111414 <printk+0/174>
Code: c0107e03 <show_registers+25f/280> 12: 83 c4 00 addl $0x0,%esp

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000286
current->tss.cr3 = 00955000, %cr3 = 00955000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c010ebe4>]
EFLAGS: 00010207
eax: 00000000 ebx: 00000286 ecx: 000003b9 edx: c17248c0
esi: c1a0e964 edi: 00000001 ebp: c0a2df04 esp: c0a2df00
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process aterm (pid: 933, process nr: 57, stackpage=c0a2d000)
Stack: c0c20000 c0a2df8c c018a6f1 00000000 00000000 c0181afd c0c20000 c01839d2
c0c20000 c0c20000 c0fd5000 c158f980 00002000 00000001 c012b139 00000000
000003b9 00001ffd c0a2c000 c0c20bd4 c0a2df74 00000000 c0a2df74 7fffffff
Call Trace: [<c018a6f1>] [<c0181afd>] [<c01839d2>] [<c012b139>] [<c017fb54>] [<c01223a2>] [<c0107990>]
Code: 8b 13 8b 5b 04 8b 02 85 c7 74 f1 39 f3 74 09 89 d0 e8 3e f9
Warning: trailing garbage ignored on Code: line
Text: 'Code: 8b 13 8b 5b 04 8b 02 85 c7 74 f1 39 f3 74 09 89 d0 e8 3e f9 '
Garbage: ' '

>>EIP: c010ebe4 <__wake_up+1c/48>
Trace: c018a6f1 <pty_unthrottle+39/48>
Trace: c0181afd <check_unthrottle+29/30>
Trace: c01839d2 <read_chan+5ca/6b8>
Trace: c012b139 <do_select+1fd/214>
Trace: c017fb54 <tty_read+b0/d0>
Trace: c01223a2 <sys_read+ae/c4>
Trace: c0107990 <system_call+34/38>
Code: c010ebe4 <__wake_up+1c/48> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c010ebe4 <__wake_up+1c/48> 0: 8b 13 movl (%ebx),%edx <===
Code: c010ebe6 <__wake_up+1e/48> 2: 8b 5b 04 movl 0x4(%ebx),%ebx
Code: c010ebe9 <__wake_up+21/48> 5: 8b 02 movl (%edx),%eax
Code: c010ebeb <__wake_up+23/48> 7: 85 c7 testl %eax,%edi
Code: c010ebed <__wake_up+25/48> 9: 74 f1 je c010ebe0 <__wake_up+18/48>
Code: c010ebef <__wake_up+27/48> b: 39 f3 cmpl %esi,%ebx
Code: c010ebf1 <__wake_up+29/48> d: 74 09 je c010ebfc <__wake_up+34/48>
Code: c010ebf3 <__wake_up+2b/48> f: 89 d0 movl %edx,%eax
Code: c010ebf5 <__wake_up+2d/48> 11: e8 3e f9 00 00 call c011e538 <kfree+1a4/1a8>

5 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.

In the other window I was doing some tentative sound recording using
wavrec or some other program I had just discovered on my hd, recording to
disk using the microphone around the moment the oops happened. I was
focusing a bit too intensively on it so I didn't notice the exact moment
of bladeenc's crash.

The system is running 2.2.9, the version of binutils, using
glibc-2.1.1-pre3 and the kernel is compiled with egcs-1.1.2.

The soundcard in question is a SB16 pnp clone ESS audiodrive 1689 or
something, detected as "ESS chip ESS1688 (kernel 2.0 compatible)" by the
SB module if that's any way related.

I'm on the digest list and can maybe notice any messages and provide
additional information if there was anything crucially relevant I missed.
I'd appreciate a carbon copy directly though, partly to keep the delay
associated with digest-list down (if it is that important).


Antti, S7L@ircnet

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