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Subject2.3.3 Total Lock-Up
Hi guys

This morning I checked on Tahallah and discovered everything was
completely locked up. From what the clock in my window manager says, it
locked up at 4am in the morning - this is the exact time when updatedb as
a cron job runs. I suspect a race somewhere in the filesystem layer -
unfortunately, I had to toggle the big red switch - alt-alt-del did not
work, neither did the SYSRQ magic key. Upon rebooting and fscking, no file
system damage was found (whew, looks like update did its job!), checked
the system logs, no sign of OOPSen or AIEEs found.

I had installed 2.3.3 last night. 2.3.1 & 2.3.2 worked 100% previously.

System configuration:
Dual Pentium Pro 166s/512k L2 caches on Supermicro P6DNF mobo
256MB EDO memory
2.1GB IDE Seagate non-UDMA (old - used as archive/backup disk)
6.8GB IDE Maxtor UDMA (doesn't run as a UDMA device due to PXII3 chipset)
- main disk
Matrox Millennium II 8MB graphic card

This is the first time that Linux has totally locked up on me in 2 years
(should I be surprised?). I will see if it doesn't lock up again by
tomorrow morning. I really should set up a network so I can telnet in.

"A mind opened by new ideas cannot return to its original limits"

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