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SubjectStuck on TLB IPI Wait (CPU#1)

I'm getting this message running kernel 2.2.9 on a Siemens Primergy
400 (dual pII 333, 128M ram). The machine was unreachable from the
network, but since it's in another building than I am, I cannot tell
you whether the console was responsible. At the time I arrived to the
console, everything was OK, except from the above message on the
console several times.

The machine acts as the central mail gateway, DNS server and Squid
proxy of a quite large university network, so it's heavily used and
swaps a lot (I know I should install more RAM but that's not possible

Is this a serious error or just a debug message? Should I downgrade my
kernel or do anything about it?


..all in all it's just another rule in the firewall.

/Ping Flood/

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