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Subjectsometimes keyboard resets to default 6 chars a sec.
Hi all,

every now en then, I have the keyboard repeat rate and delay which seem
reset to the default BIOS speed of about 6 chars a second and 1 sec

When this happens, it emediatly affects all consoles and X terminals at
same time, and there doesn't seem to be a way to reset this back to
speeds (actually as fast as possible) except by rebooting.

This phenomenon is rare (about once every 2 months), but only seem to
since kernel 2.2 (or just before), and I can't reproduce it at will.

What I see is a brief light up of the keyboard leds like during boot.

It doesn't happen during extreem system load nor am I a fast typer.

for what it's worth:
the keyboard is connected via the PS/2 connector.
the chipset is mvp3 (if that changes anything)

I can send more info, but I don't know what's relevant.

has anybody else seen this ? could this be a defect of my keyboard ?

This last bit bothers me, as my keyboard _is_ about as old as this.
However, I have the fealing the no keyboard defect could reset this
value without showing some other problem as wel. or could it ?



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