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Subjectnull pointer deref in kernel space 2.2.9
While doing a scsi add-single-device to detect a SCSI device that wasn't
powered up at boot time, I got the following oops. I have one aic7880 on my
pr440fx mainboard and one AHA-2940A card.

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000
current->tss.cr3 = 079b4000, %cr3 = 079b4000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002
CPU: 12
EIP: 0010:[<c019ef9c>]
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: 00000000 ebx: 00000001 ecx: 00000046 edx: 00000000
esi: c0098000 edi: 00000000 ebp: 00000000 esp: cd205dc8
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process bash (pid: 778, process nr: 57, stackpage=cd205000)
Stack: c0098000 00000000 cdb25000 cdb24000 cdb25000 00000000 c020c000 00000000
00000000 0000000c cd205dfc c011253e ffffffff c021cb1b 0000000a 00000002
cdb25000 cdb235ea c01940aa 00000000 cd205e28 00000000 c01e74a0 20000001
Call Trace: [<c011253e>] [<c01940aa>] [<c01e74a0>] [<c013dd13>] [<c0111034>] [<c01c0c43>] [<c01124cc>]
[<c011253e>] [<c0112daf>] [<c0115c9b>] [<c01a1990>] [<c01dafc0>] [<c01a1a32>] [<c01a6ae6>] [<c01463ca>]
[<c012781d>] [<c0146364>] [<c0109034>]
Code: f3 ab 6a 08 6a 58 e8 5d 21 00 00 89 c7 89 7c 24 3c 83 c4 08

>>EIP: c019ef9c <scan_scsis+54/4a0>
Trace: c011253e <wake_up_process+52/64>
Trace: c01940aa <n_tty_receive_buf+d72/da8>
Trace: c01e74a0 <RCSid+8c80/8e80>
Trace: c013dd13 <inode_getblk+47/1cc>
Trace: c0111034 <send_sig_info+174/2ec>
Trace: c01c0c43 <vsprintf+333/36c>
Trace: c01124cc <reschedule_idle+1bc/1dc>
Trace: c011253e <wake_up_process+52/64>
Trace: c012781d <sys_write+f1/124>
Code: c019ef9c <scan_scsis+54/4a0> 00000000 <_EIP>: <===
Code: c019ef9c <scan_scsis+54/4a0> 0: f3 ab repz stosl %eax,%es:(%edi) <===
Code: c019ef9e <scan_scsis+56/4a0> 2: 6a 08 pushl $0x8
Code: c019efa0 <scan_scsis+58/4a0> 4: 6a 58 pushl $0x58
Code: c019efa2 <scan_scsis+5a/4a0> 6: e8 5d 21 00 00 call c01a1104 <scsi_init_malloc+0/68>
Code: c019efa7 <scan_scsis+5f/4a0> b: 89 c7 movl %eax,%edi
Code: c019efa9 <scan_scsis+61/4a0> d: 89 7c 24 3c movl %edi,0x3c(%esp,1)
Code: c019efad <scan_scsis+65/4a0> 11: 83 c4 08 addl $0x8,%esp

15 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.

Brian Ristuccia

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