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SubjectTimeouts with QLogic ISP1020 on Alpha
I have some timeout problems with scsi on my alpha system.  When I
boot a 2.2.6 (It first broke in 2.2.0 pre8, donno about pre7, working
ok in pre6) it never boots. The following message starts to roll over
the screen:

scsi: aborting command due to timeout: pid 0, scsi 0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Test unit ready 00 00 00 00 00
qlogicisp: abort failure 4005
scsi host0 abort (pid 0) timeout out - resetting
scsi bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0

this is written down by hand so case and spacing might be different
and since it scrolling I don't know what's the first part in this
looping message.
I'm currently running 2.2.0-pre6 and that works fine.

Alpha system: noname (AxpPCI33)
scsi0: QLogic ISP1020 SCSI on PCI bus 01 device 00 irq 14 base 0x9000
scsi1: Chip NCR53C810, device id 0x1, revision id 0x1

The system boots with ARC taking linload and milo from the ncr
controller (since ARC can't see qlogic and at this state the ncr is
thereby the first and only controller in the system). There milo boots
sda2:vmlinux.22.6.gz (sda is now on qlogic) and shortly after initial
scsi scans it start to get this timeouts.

"The software said it requires Windows 95 or better, so I installed Linux"
Techwiz, Peter Sjöberg PGP key on keyserver & homepage
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