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SubjectRe: Stupid Linux Distributions
In article <>,
Michael B. Trausch <> wrote:
>Ugh. Why do they have to patch the kernel before they send it off in a

a) Adding new features that aren't in the baseline kernel:
The Mastodon kernel (2.0.28) is patched to include my memory patch (essential), the boot logo patch
(ditto), the WebShield let-every-ethernet-driver-
autoprobe-because-its-Unix-damnit patch (ditto), a hack to the
ide driver so that it won't arbitrarily trim the disk size of
large disks (ditto), a whole bunch of 2.0.36 ethernet drivers
(ditto), a bunch of other patches that get rid of (IMO)
useless driver initialization messages (not essential, but
nice), and probably a few more that I can't think of offhand.

b) Unpatched Linux kernel Makefiles (2.0.x) won't compile on
Mastodon, because they have GNUisms in them. (things like
``find <something> -maxdepth'' makes Berkeley find laugh
hysterically, (k)sh doesn't do ``if hash encaps'' the same
way bash does; I've still not figured out why menuconfig
doesn't work at all, but at least I can point users at
xconfig, because tk just works.)

david parsons \bi/ make menuconfig gives a single-line menu, which is
\/ not exactly useful.

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