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SubjectDMA/CMD-646 problem
Machine in question is a AST Premmia GX 133, with 2 133Mhz Pentiums.
Machine is fairly standard, 80Mb of RAM, onboard ncr8xx scsi, lance e-net.
aha1740, soundblaster-16 & Virge/DX on the eisa and PCI busses

It's got a on-board cmd-646, which on boot detects, and states that DMA is
disabled by the BIOS.

However, if the kernel is configured to use DMA by default where
available, then the kernel oopses at boot time. If that option isn't
checked, machine boots & runs fine.

Tested with 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.7

I'm not on the list, just posting to it, so I'd appreciate being included
in the discussion.

I'm not sure how to get anything meaningful out of the oops, as I can't
get the kernel to boot, to run ksymoops etc.


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