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SubjectLinux-2.2.8 - and beyond..

As some people have already noticed, I yesterday released 2.2.8, and in
the same breath made a 2.3.x release tree (where 2.3.0 is exactly the same
as 2.2.8 except the numbers have changed - making it easier to synchronize
the two in the beginning).

Most of 2.2.8 by far is just architecture updates: arm, ppc and m68k stand
out as having been pretty much synchronized to their respective devel
trees, but there are some fixes to alpha and x86 too.

The one major fix in 2.2.8 is the SMP fix for disable_irq(), courtesy of
Andrea Arcangeli (I disagreed in details and did it differently in the
end, but all the heavy lifting was done by Andrea). This is the thing that
caused silenth deaths for some people with certain network adapters (3c509
and 8390-based cards in particular: the latter covers ne2000 clones which
are fairly common).

There are lots of smaller things (driver updates, filesystem cleanups and
some networking fixes), but the SMP irq thing is the one to kill for if
you happened to have any of the affected cards.

As to 2.3.x, we're beginning with a long overdue waitqueue cleanup, which
means that a lot of small details need to get fixed in a variety of files.
A working pre-patch of this is to be found as pre-patch-2.3.1-3, but not
all drivers have been fixed - and help is appreciated (even drivers that
_have_ been fixed have not necessarily actually been tested due to lack of


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