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SubjectRe: Please!! Help me to help us to use WinModems in Linux
Hi Tracy.

> I think we all know that winmodems suck.


> That really shouldn't be the point here. If somebody is willing
> to do the work and can legally release the source for his work I
> see no reason why we should as a community prevent him from
> doing so just to maintain some sort of moral high ground
> argument about crappy hardware.

No arguments from me there, I've always felt that way...

> This sort of driver should not be included in the main kernel
> source most likely just because it probably would require some
> negative changes to accomidate it, but thats still no reason why
> we should discourage somebody from giving it a try.

Personally, I'd prefer to see the winmodem drivers appear as userland
daemons with the absolute minimum of kernel code included to allow
them to be used. Reasons, in no particular order, include:

1. Less kernel bloat. The tool will only be in memory when it's
actually in use, whereas kernel code is normally a permanent
feature of the memory map.

2. Libraries. Userland tools can make full use of the standard
libraries such as libc which are not available to kernel code.

3. Easier development. In my experience, it's much easier to debug
userland stuff than kernel code.


> Winmodems don't work right, encourage people to buy real ones (I
> certainly do), but linux is about getting work done right? If
> somebody still buys one of those things why should linux turn up
> its nose arbitrarily? Your arguments about winmodems are not
> going to impress people evaluating linux when they see their
> hardware is not supported (esp. for silly reasons).

Personally, I've never had one, nor have I any interest in getting
one, but if somebody wishes to develop a GENERIC winmodem driver, and
the device specific API to enable it to work with lots of different
winmodems, I say go for it.

However, I would caution against developing a winmodem driver that's
specific to one particular brand of winmodems, especially if it's not
a common brand. The heart of the winmodem driver should be pretty
standard, in my opinion...

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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