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SubjectRe: Please!! Help me to help us to use WinModems in Linux
On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Tracy Camp (Hurrah) wrote:

> I think we all know that winmodems suck. That really shouldn't be the
> point here. If somebody is willing to do the work and can legally release
> the source for his work I see no reason why we should as a community
> prevent him from doing so just to maintain some sort of moral high ground
> argument about crappy hardware. This sort of driver should not be
> included in the main kernel source most likely just because it probably
> would require some negative changes to accomidate it, but thats still no

You are asking wrong people. Winmodems manufacturers should publish
their internal documentation before there will be any hope that anyone
outside those companies will write anything for those beasts. Or
manufacturers can write drivers by themselves and contribute them to Linux
kernel -- after all their low-level DSP and DSP support code can't be too
platform dependent.

Otherwise what you are asking for turns into a huge reverse-engineering
project with the only result that some people will be able to use some
particular brand of crappy modems (because other brands will have to be
reverse-engineered separately). Sorry, most of people have better things
to do.


P.S. To winmodems manufacturers: By publishing your specs you won't reveal
that you are more stupid than we already think. Most of us already expect
the very worst -- that all DSP is done by the main CPU. You can
demonstrate that you did better than that, and actually do some stuff in
hardware, to regain some credibility.

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