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SubjectRe: caps in elf, next itteration (the hack get's bigger)
In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.990409154856.23266A-100000@localhost>, Jonathan Walth
er writes:
| Please! How the HELL are you going to set the capabilities for shell
| scripts if they are dependant on elf format? Perl programs. How about
| older a.out binaries? We HAVE to have it in the filesystem. You are
| proposing something just plain broken.

We don't support setuid scripts, why should we support capabilitied scripts?
Handle them both the same way: a "wrapper program" which is

If you really still care about a.out, I suppose you could add yet another
silly extension to it... if it can cope with more baggage layered on top.
IMHO a.out has far outlived its usefulness --- it started out as a PDP11
memory image (anyone else remember the original purpose of the "magic number"
at the beginning of an a.out file?) and has been getting more and more
unwieldy to work with (check out how global constructors/destructors "work"
for an example... hmmm, maybe you could bring back "robotussin" if you're
desperate) as time has passed. It's time to give up on it. Again, if you
really need to use a.out for some reason (e.g. no source available for some
reason), the easiest way is to use an ELF wrapper program as above.

brandon s. allbery [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator [WAY too many hats]
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering KF8NH
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