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SubjectRe: caps in elf, next itteration (the hack get's bigger)
Horst von Brand writes:
> Richard Gooch <> said:
> > writes:
> [...]
> > > Hmm? Are you suggesting file access permissions should depend on the
> > > contents of the file? I thought one of the leading design principles of
> > > Unix was that the kernel treats files as an unstructured stream of
> > > bytes, and that imposing some kind of structure (records etc) on files
> > > is done entirely in user space.
> > > Before you all start screaming that this isn't true: Yes, *of course*
> > > the kernel knows about the ELF format, but this knowledge is restricted
> > > to when the structure has some significance to the kernel -- when it is
> > > about to exec a binary. You seem to be proposing that also the file
> > > system code should be parsing arbitrary files to see if they can be
> > > written to or not.
> > I don't see the problem. A suid-root binary is immutable for everyone
> > but root. Only root can grant capabilities. If some user is allowed to
> > create binaries with privileged port access, then they just need to
> > run a privileged binary which adds CAP_PORT to the binary.
> There are problems:
> - There is no "root" in a capability system, you have to get rid of
> "privileged users" completely. Better do it right the first time around
> rather than "fix" it by a endless series of ever hairier patches

No, there is still a root in a capabilities system. There is no reason
there shouldn't be. There will always have to be one account with the
power to grant capabilities. That account may as well be the
traditional root.

Having a capabilities-enabled system simply does not imply that the
root account changes. I wish people would stop making this false

> - The idea of keeping capabilities in the file itself invites capability
> smuggling, better if programs that don't know about capabilities can't
> handle them at all: No dumb tar(1), no hexeditor, no cp(1), ...

Wrong. There will be no smuggling, because lusers can't create of
modify binaries which grant capabilities, just like now you can't
create or modify a suid-root programme.

Supporting tar, cp, NFS, cpio, CODA and various backup programmes is
*good*, it's not "smuggling". I *WANT* to export an NFS filesystem
from a non Linux-2.2 box and have capabilities just work.

> - This is a ELF-only kludge. What about a Web server written in
> Perl? CGIs written in Java that need extra privileges?

Wrapper binaries. It's the only safe and sensible way to do it
anyway. That way you can sanitise the command-line and
environment. FYI: have you ever noticed sperl? It's the Perl
interpreter with suid-root. That's how you get so-called suid Perl
scripts (which they're not, really, but sperl makes it look that
way). We *don't* support suid scripts anyway. Again, this is a



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