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SubjectNeed larger NFSD_MAXFH
I am currently running a 2.2.3 kernel patched with 
the patches distributed with the knfsd-1.2 package and
using knfsd. For the most part, it has been a pretty
stable server in a environment of Solaris and Linux
clients. However, recently, the number of mounts
(as given by showmount -a | wc -l) has been inching up
around 251+.

At the same time, I've noticed that some clients haven't
been mounting filesystems from the server getting a

>> mount: RPC: Timed out

error message in the logs. Could this be related to
the number of available filehandles (from the kernel bootup :

nfsd_init: initialized fhcache, entries=256


If so, is it possible/safe to up this value in the linux/fs/nfsd/nfsfs.c

Second question, have the patches included in the knfsd-1.2 package
already been applied to later kernels (2.2.5+)?


Andrew Schretter
Systems Programmer, Duke University
Dept. of Mathematics (919) 660-2866

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