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SubjectRe: problems with SCSI cdrom

>> for the state of the art computer and perphrials that are all exciting
>> to use with linux that developers like. When booting up a 2.2.3 kernel I
>I must have been imagining things when I spent most of this week working
>on obsolescent technology - MCA bus, the NCR5380 and the AHA152x
>> Future Domain 16-bit SCSI Driver Version 5.50 scsi0: <fdomain> BIOS
>> version 3.4 at 0xca000 using scsi id 7
>> scsi0: <fdomain> TMC-18C30 chip at 0x140 irq 5
>> arbitration (2), target = 1 cmnd = 0x00 pieces = 0 size = 256
>> sent_command = 0, have_data_in = 0, timeout = 0
>> in_interrupt_flag = 0
>> IMR = 0x9ed8, IRR = 0x0000, ISR = 0x0000
>> SCSI Status = 0x01
>> TMC Status = 0x43
>> Interrupt Status = 0x28 (enabled)
>> FIFO Status = 0x08
>> Int. Condition = 0x10
>> Configuration 1 = 0x82
>> Configuration 2 = 0x07scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 2,
>> scsi0, channel 0, id 2, lun 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00scsi:
>> <fdomain> abort
>Does a 2.0 kernel find the CDROM correctly ? In truth you may well be the
>almost the first person to use the 16bit FD driver in 2.2...

I've got 12Gigs of storage spanning 4 disks using 2.0.35 (maybe .36?)
running on a 486DX2-66 (until two days ago it used to be a 486sx-25), 8MB of
memory, 40MB IDE boot drive, using a future domain ISA SCSI controller
(using the fdomain driver) that was originally ment for use by a SCSI CDROM.
I had no choice when it came to the card as my other one, an Adaptec 1510a,
didn't see all the drives. The best that I can tell there was/is some bug
in the 2.0.x kernels with scsi drivers that used the generic scsi device
detection code. The future domain was usable because some old #if 0'ed out
code within the driver that does its own detection of scsi devices worked.
In any case I got similar messages about timeouts early in this system's
life. I traced down the problem. A 3600 40MB scsi drive that I was using
for swapspace apparently caused the timeouts during its operation. Since I
removed that drive the system has functioned well. On another couple of
systems I have installed I notice similar timeout problems when the ISA scsi
card was sharing an IRQ with another device, you sound card (if any) may be
using IRQ 5 as well. If I get a chance I'll do a test run on this system
with a 2.2.x kernel. I just hope the 8MB's of memory isn't a problem.

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